National Distance Learning Week 2022 Lunchtime Series
Nov 7-11, 2022: Candid Conversations About Online Learning
According to the latest EDUCAUSE students and technology survey, the number of students who prefer some form of online learning increased more than three times between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic inquiries (Robert, 2022). Additional enrollment tracking of students taking at least some of their courses online also showed increased demand prior to the pandemic (Smalley, 2021; Hill, 2021).
Online learning continues to be a valuable modality at UMBC, supporting students to reach their degree goals through the Finish Line program (Rous, Mozie-Ross, Shin, & Fritz, 2021) or obtain progressional degrees and certifications through our existing catalog of well established programs. UMBC is a growing leader in online learning with its award-winning PIVOT and Quality Matters Impact programs.
Instructional Technology will host a series of Candid Conversations About Online Learning as we explore the theme of leadership across all aspects of distance learning during the 15th anniversary of National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) from November 7-11, 2022.
Our candid conversations will include:
- What does good course design look like? (Nov. 7)
- How do we engage disconnected students? (Nov. 8)
- How do we counter the myths of online learning? (Nov. 9)
Faculty and academic leaders will lead these discussions and the UMBC community is encouraged to join these candid conversations. Event information is posted to the Instructional Technology myUMBC group in October. Register now!
Share your thoughts!
We also invite you to participate in this year's NDLW conversations by contributing your reflection on lessons learned, candid conversation, or what's next in a VoiceThread. To share your reflection, please follow these easy steps:
- Create your VoiceThread. Not sure how to use VoiceThread? Head over the VoiceThread FAQs!
- Access the NDLW 2022 landing page in VoiceThread.
- Click Add Your Own link in the upper right corner.
- Select your VoiceThread to share.
Be sure to check out the other VoiceThreads throughout the week and add your own comment to the conversation.
Additional resources
Can't make these National Distance Learning Week sessions? Bookmark this post for updates about other virtual events!
- USDLA Schedule of Events (2 events per day all week)
- Blackboard Digital Teaching Symposium - Nov. 10, 2022
Posted: October 14, 2022, 9:59 AM