About BSG

The Business Systems Group (BSG) supports the enterprise solutions of the university, including the Student Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Data Warehouse, Document Imaging, Electronic Signatures, and Request Tracker (RT) Ticket systems.

BSG is responsible for development of new and improved campus business practices and the support of core enterprise solutions that are critical to the university’s strategic plan and institutional mission.

Working to define Enterprise Solution needs in an ever-changing technical environment can be very challenging. Planning is promoted, and overseen, by a group of UMBC leaders via the Campus Systems Executive Committee (CSEC).

This committee meets twice a month to review new requests, share information from other working committees on campus in which they participate, and stay abreast of previously approved requests.

Its membership includes leaders from the Enrollment Management, Finance, Graduate School, HR, Information Technology, Institutional Research, Professional Studies, and Student Affairs. CSEC has developed a document called the Protocol for Initiating Business Process Improvements (BPI) to provide guidance to those desiring to submit a Business Process Improvement (BPI) Request.