Maryland Distance Learning Association 2020 Conference
Register, present, connect about teaching with technology
Off Campus
Date & Time
March 12, 2020, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Proposers will select from one of four session types described in full detail in the form.To submit a proposal, you will need to have the following ready:
·Session title (up to 15 words)
·Session description for use in program (up to 100 words)
·Session abstract (up to 500 words)
·Session type (see form)
·Computer room required? (yes/no)
·Intended audience(s) (K-12/post-secondary/instructional designers/trainers)
·Vendor session? (yes/no)
·Names, titles, organizations, and email addresses of all presenters
1. Presentation (25 min)
2. Technology Demonstration (25 min)
3. Roundtable Discussion (50 min)
4. Interactive Workshop (50 min)
Proposals close: 1/20/2020. Notifications: 2/11/2020