Laptop Loans Available at AOK Library & Gallery
Located at the Media Desk on the second floor of the library
Note: The following is adapted from a Library news story originally published on 8/15/15
Thumbnail shows equipment part of the program which includes a choice in either a Dell Latitude or Macbook Pro. Also included with the laptop are their respective chargers and carrying bag.
With support from DoIT, the AOK Library & Gallery has expanded its Equipment Loan Program to include laptops.
DoIT has provided the program with access to five Macbook Pros and five Dell Latitudes. The laptops are available on a first-come-first-served basis at the Media Desk, located on the second floor on the library. Laptops may be checked out until the Media Desk closes the next day.
The Digital Media Lab also provides the UMBC community with access to audio/visual equipment suitable for a wide variety of video, audio, and graphic design projects.
You can find more information regarding available equipment and loan policies here
Posted: October 28, 2015, 1:10 PM