myUMBC Updates: Now in Beta!
I hope Maggie doesn't notice the difference!
We've made the myUMBC beta server available for testing/preview! Log in and take a look at what's new and let us know what you think.
Highlights & Notes
- Menu Changes
- Topics will remain at least through the next year, no need to change links or documentation this time...whew
- Events was pulled out from the Community menu
- Community is no longer a menu, it now just shows pawpular, commented, or recent posts from public groups
- Start Page
- Activity Feed filled with the latest posts from groups you're following. Note: Updates only go back about a month. Once in production you'll see all past updates.
- Right-Hand Column
- Outstanding alerts will show prominently at the top of the right-hand column
- Guide card available for students, but looking for feedback on what might be useful for Faculty and Staff
- Events from followed groups, attended events, and other upcoming events
- Featured Groups - to be replaced with new topical groups that are intended to replace Discussions
- Pawpular posts from public groups
- Topics
- Navigate between topics more easily with list of topics along left side of page
- Group Pages
- Renamed Tabs: Home, Posts, Events, Files, People
- Activity Feed, new events card
- New Follow / Notifications dropdown on every page
- Group Admins can Pin and Mark Important all posts, events, and files
- New single posting setting on Group Settings
- Discussions, Media, and Spotlights archives are linked to from the bottom right of the Posts tab
- Subtle Changes
- Email notifications don't get sent from the beta server. You'll just have to trust us that they work.
- We removed the ability to set a default role. This was to ensure that you always see content/updates specific to your role at the university. This mostly affects staff who set their default role to student to see what's going on, but would then miss updates targeted at staff. You can still change your role to any other role, under your name.
- All notification settings you previously had for groups have been set to the default of "Important Only".
- Mobile
- Updated mobile start page to match the new layout, note the two tabs: Updates and More
- Coming Next Week
- Promotions - sometime next week along with an explanation post
- Updated daily summary email
- Prettier notification emails
- Coming Later This Summer
- Updated Events calendar
- View statistics on posts (for group admins)
- Changes based on feedback/performance
Post feedback below! Be honest.
Posted: June 12, 2015, 6:49 PM