MATLAB is Now Available to UMBC Students
Available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and UNIX Systems
MATLAB handles a range of computing tasks in engineering and science. There are several built in tools that integrates mathematical computing and visualization. The MATLAB interface also allows you to import data from instruments, files, and external databases and programs.
If students haven't already, they can sign up for a Mathworks account using their UMBC email. If you already have a UMBC Mathworks account, you can add a license under the “My Account” option by selecting the drop down menu on your name when you log in to Mathworks. You can obtain the license key here.
There are over 20 modules currently included in UMBC’s MATLAB site license. These include modules such as Simulink, Matlab Compiler, and System Identification Toolbox.
Previously, MATLAB was only available to UMBC faculty and staff. Now, UMBC students can obtain a license key and install MATLAB on their personal machine. You can view the system requirements for your OS on the Mathworks website.
DoIT has extensive FAQs for installing MATLAB and video tutorials for Basic MATLAB programming and Advanced MATLAB programming.
Posted: May 9, 2016, 8:22 AM