Laptop Loans Location Has Moved Within AOK Library & Gallery
Available at Circulation desk on 1st floor of AOK
With support from DoIT in Fall 2015, the AOK Library & Gallery expanded its equipment loan program to include laptops. The location to request these laptops has moved to the 1st floor Circulation desk. Any UMBC faculty, staff, and students with a current UMBC ID may borrow the laptops.
For this semester, DoIT has expanded the program to include twice number of available laptops at checkout. There is a choice of requesting a Macbook Pro or a Dell Latitude. Included with the laptops are their respective chargers and carrying bag.
Mac and Dell laptops that are available to borrow and their listed specs.
It’s important to note that the laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and may be checked out until the library closes the next day. You can find more information regarding the laptop loan program here.
Posted: October 4, 2016, 8:26 AM