Password Phishing Scam
Another fake link in an email to steal your password
From: Date: Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 3:47 AM Subject: A REQUEST TO DE-ACTIVATE !
Always check the URL before entering credentials online. Notice that this site is not in the domain, despite claiming to be. In addition, you can compare it to the real login page by navigating to myUMBC without using a link to see that it does not match.
As of this writing, several people have clicked this link. If you have entered your UMBC password after clicking the link in this phishing email, change your password to something substantively different as soon as possible as your account has been compromised. Instructions for doing so can be found here:
If you do receive any email that you suspect is a scam, please do not click on any URL or reply. Either of those actions confirms to the sender that your email address is valid. Please forward the message (with the email headers) to
How do I forward full email headers?
Posted: January 12, 2021, 11:45 AM