A Screencast's Worth a Thousand Words
As online and classroom content begins to include video and audio components, there is an increasing need to ensure these materials are accessible. Under the ADA, either transcription or captioning is necessary and required to make audio and audiovisual media accessible to individuals with disabilities. UMBC is committed to eliminating discriminatory obstacles that may disadvantage students based on disability and seeks to create a learning environment that allows for inclusion and full participation by all students. In turn, UMBC's Division of Information Technology is happy to announce it will now provide screencast transcription or closed captioning to help assure equal access to video resources faculty develop. To support screencasting best practices, maximum video playtime for transcription/captioning is 15 minutes. To submit a recording for transcription or closed captioning, please click on this link and complete the form. Details of the support for this process are available via this FAQ article.
Posted: August 24, 2016, 4:39 PM