Summer courses using new cloud environment
Blackboard course shells for SU2017 were created on April 18, 2017, on a separate Bb server.
Why? In preparation for UMBC’s migration to Blackboard’s new cloud infrastructure, summer courses will be hosted on a separate server during the transition, similar to UMBC’s previous delivery model for hosting winter courses during system upgrade periods.
Why Are We Hosting Summer Separately?
Since DoIT and Blackboard must migrate UMBC’s current Blackboard site to the cloud over a seven-day downtime (June 30 - July 8, 2017), we are hosting summer courses in a separate cloud environment to ensure continuity of services for faculty and students. However, only SU2017 courses will be available on the summer server; all other courses prior to and after SU2017 will remain on our current site and only faculty who are teaching and students who are enrolled in summer Blackboard classes will see courses on the SU2017 server.
Since summer courses are on a separate site, faculty will need to export content from our main Blackboard site and import to summer course shells in the cloud.
Look for the summer banner on the MyBb tab in Blackboard to access your summer courses
Please review DoIT’s Bb migration FAQ for complete details about:
- Migrating to Blackboard’s cloud environment (SaaS)
- The migration timeline
- Working in the new cloud environment
- General course access
About Course Creation
Bb shells for SU2017are available for all courses (designated as lecture, lab, field or discussion) listed in the UMBC Schedule of Classes (SOC), provided that there is an instructor of record listed. As new course sections and/or instructors are added to the SOC, corresponding Bb shells are automatically generated overnight. If you need a shell for a research or independent study course, please submit a new course request.
Instructors who teach multiple sections of the same course will find those enrollments merged into one Bb course shell. These sections may be split upon request by an RT ticket, which we recommend submitting at least one week before the semester starts, if not as soon as courses are created in Blackboard.
Student enrollment in Bb mirrors the official registration in SA and updates hourly. However, courses are not accessible to students by default until the instructor of record makes them available.
If you are an instructor, and your name is not associated with the course you are teaching in the SOC, please see your departmental scheduling coordinator to resolve the issue. Once you are listed in the SOC, your Bb course shell will be created automatically. If not, please submit a support request by an RT ticket.
As always, if you have any questions, please consider the following options:
- Check our extensive FAQ collection
- Open a ticket via RT
- Follow the Instructional Technology & DoIT myUMBC groups
- Request a consult with instructional technology staff
Posted: April 28, 2017, 3:56 PM