Governance and Goals


DoIT works closely with the campus, especially our stakeholders, to make certain that the IT project portfolio adequately meets the needs of the campus. We work closely with UMBC’s Shared Governance process to ensure we have broad participation and discussion into the decisions made. In addition to IT shared governance, we participate in a number of other committees to provide leadership and expertise on how technology can support those initiatives.

  • Academic Leadership Council – This group oversees the strategic, policy, and operational objectives for UMBC and is chaired by the Provost, Dr. Manfred H. van Dulmen.
  • IT Steering Committee – The Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and VP of IT co-chair this committee. This committee is part of the university plan of organization  is focused on how technology can be used to achieve our overarching university goals.  This committee oversees policy and strategic direction of IT, especially as it pertains to the academic enterprise. This committee has representatives from the senates, stakeholders from each division, and representatives from departments that are large consumers of IT services.
  • Campus Systems Executive Committee – This committee is co-chaired by the VP of IT and Associate Provost for Enrollment Management and is focused on using technology to support administrative systems and business processes at UMBC. For policy or strategic direction, it reports through the IT Steering Committee. Members include leaders from Enrollment Management, Financial Services, Human Resources, Institutional Research, Graduate School, Continuing and Professional Studies, Division of Undergraduate Education, and Information Technology.
  • Faculty Senate Computer Policy Committee – This committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate and is charged with reporting to the Senate on IT issues of interest to the faculty. Members are identified by the faculty senate.
  • Data Management Committee – This committee oversees the data warehouse and campus reporting infrastructure to insure data security, access, and quality. It reports to the Campus Systems Executive committee for operational planning and the IT Steering Committee for policy. This committee is chaired by the Vice Provost for Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS) and the Vice President of IT.
  • Campus Classroom Committee – this committee oversees classroom management, including instructional technology. This committee is chaired by the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. DoIT is a participant.
  • Blackboard Advisory Committee – this committee focuses on the operational and policy decisions related to the timing of upgrades, or other proposed changes, related to  Blackboard Learning Management System. This committee is chaired by the Associate Vice President for Instructional Technology
  • Information Security Council – This committee meets monthly and is chaired by the CISO and reviews technical architecture as it pertains to following USM Security Policy. As such, it reviews and approves firewall punches; develops cloud software approval process and reviews the approval of cloud security that has level 2 or 3 data; and monitors audits and internal compliance reviews of quarterly requirements.

Goals and Planning

Planning has been driven by four major efforts over the last decade. The 2000 IT Strategic plan laid the framework and vision for UMBC IT services, especially administrative services, that resulted in the implementation of PeopleSoft for HR, Finance, and Student Administration. The Richness & Reach plan focused on creating a technology enriched learning environment in support teaching and learning. The IT Restructuring report (and 2010 and 2011 DoIT responses) focused on the question of centralized vs decentralized and identified opportunities for leveraging IT to improve UMBC and save money. Finally the FY2022-FY2024 Digital Strategy document focused on how digital technology and enhance and support broad campus goals.

Past strategic planning documents:

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Your feedback matters! Our voluntary survey helps us continuously improve service quality. 97.97% of customers rate our support as excellent or confident. After each completed ticket, community members are sent a short, 4 question survey asking for feedback about their experience.

Over the years, we consistently track how we have done, we are pleased to say that on what we consider an important customer metric, “How do you feel we are doing?” that we consistently score 97 to 98 percent with excellent or somewhat confident. Over more than ten thousand feedback forms, we average 97.97 % on excellent or somewhat confident (here are the historical results).

Finally, as an overall assessment of customer support, our Technology Support Center provides an annual review of support each year.