Project Management Office (PMO)

DoIT’s Project Management Office (PMO) was established to coordinate, oversee, and provide stewardship of IT-related portfolio and project management. The objective of the PMO is to:

  • Provide Project Management services and oversight for select IT projects
  • Set the standard, provide the tools, and be the resident advocate and model for good Project Management practices
  • Align project activity with UMBC’s strategic plan
  • Provide project updates and reports to DoIT and campus leaders

The DoIT PMO uses Smartsheet to track projects and portfolio management. DoIT’s Project Management Principles can be found here, including definitions of projects and information about the initiation process. Smartsheet FAQs can be found here.


Contact us at with any questions.


Recent Project Updates

Showing items tagged go-chat. Show All

GO Chat Recap: Engaging New Students Online

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

For our February GO Chat, we reflected on the transition from face-to-face programs for UMBC first-year students to a new online delivery required by COVID-19. Summer and Winter Bridge Programs,...

Posted: March 10, 2021, 9:59 AM

GO Chat Recap: The Year of Open Ed - UMBC Alum Leads the Way

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last month, we kicked off our GO Chat series for 2021 with a dive into all-things-open, as in Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Pedagogy, and Open Science.  We started with a brief...

Posted: February 10, 2021, 4:47 PM

GO Chat Recap: Super Size Courses

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last month, we reflected on the transition from face-to-face instruction to online instruction for one of UMBC's largest introductory courses CHEM 101, with its instructors Drs. Sarah Bass and...

Posted: January 6, 2021, 2:16 PM

GO Chat Recap: The Future of Online Learning at UMBC

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last week, GO Chat closed out our celebration of National Distance Learning Week by welcoming Yvette Mozie-Ross, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Planning, and Beth Jones, Associate Vice...

Posted: November 20, 2020, 11:18 AM

GO Chat Recap: Badging & Micro-credentialing

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last week, we welcomed Sherri Braxton, Senior Director of Instructional Technology, as our inaugural guest on GO Chat to talk about her work on campus and beyond the loop for badging and...

Posted: October 23, 2020, 10:50 AM