Project Management Office (PMO)

DoIT’s Project Management Office (PMO) was established to coordinate, oversee, and provide stewardship of IT-related portfolio and project management. The objective of the PMO is to:

  • Provide Project Management services and oversight for select IT projects
  • Set the standard, provide the tools, and be the resident advocate and model for good Project Management practices
  • Align project activity with UMBC’s strategic plan
  • Provide project updates and reports to DoIT and campus leaders

The DoIT PMO uses Smartsheet to track projects and portfolio management. DoIT’s Project Management Principles can be found here, including definitions of projects and information about the initiation process. Smartsheet FAQs can be found here.


Contact us at with any questions.


Recent Project Updates

Showing items tagged turningtechnologies. Show All

Clicker Orders due to Bookstore by Thursday, November 24!

Get your orders in for the Spring 2017 semester

Faculty who plan to use clickers for instruction during the ​​Spring 2016 semester will need to have device order(s) submitted to the Bookstore no later than Thursday, November 24. This deadline...

Posted: November 14, 2016, 1:48 PM

5 Things You Should Know About Clickers at UMBC

What is happening with clickers on our campus

February 14, 2020 Update: As of Spring 2020, TurningPoint 8 is supported by UMBC. Turning Technologies no longer supports the software TurningPoint Cloud. All main lecture halls are up-to-date...

Posted: December 8, 2015, 8:14 AM

July Technology of the Month

Turning Point Clickers

Used by more than 5,000 students, UMBC has standardized its student response system, or “clickers,” on the Turning Technologies  platform. This systems supports instant student feedback to...

Posted: June 30, 2015, 11:55 AM