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REX report updates

Several REX reports have been modified as follows:

The Course Enrollment report parameters have been modified to use Subject Reporting College and Org instead of Academic Org and Group.  The report can be accessed by going to rex.umbc.edu, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to Curriculum Management > Course > Course Enrollment.

The Enrollments by Course Type report has been modified to include a table showing enrollment counts by Subject Reporting College.  The table includes the number of class sections, net registration count, credits attempted, and average class size for each College.  The College can be expanded to show the total counts for each Subject, which can be further expanded to show LEC, LAB, DIS course types within the subject.  Another row shows the counts for additional course types.  The report can be accessed by going to rex.umbc.edu, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to Curriculum Management > Course > Enrollments by Course Type.

A parameter has been added to the Graduation Application Status report to allow selection by Campus.  The report can be accessed by going to
rex.umbc.edu, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to Student Records and Enrollment > Degrees > Details.

Posted: August 5, 2014, 10:56 AM