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Salesforce Implementation Update: Keeping you informed

What everyone should know about Salesforce

In this first of a series of updates, we’ll give a brief description of what Salesforce is, provide an overview of UMBC’s goals for the project, and summarize what we’re currently working on and what’s next.

Salesforce is a market-leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform.  Companies and nonprofits use CRMs to advertise and build relationships with, and track the contact they have with, their customers and patrons.  In higher education, Salesforce is used to support recruitment, admissions, student success, and alumni relations.  

UMBC has started an exciting, large, multi-year project to use Salesforce to help us in all of those areas.  In the first phase, we’re customizing and implementing the portion of the platform that helps with the recruitment of both undergraduate and graduate students using the Marketing Cloud component.  Marketing Cloud helps us provide potential students with a better, customized, experience and uses new digital marketing campaigns to show the value of a UMBC education. It helps admissions staff identify who our potential students are and what information might be of most use to them.   

We’ve just finished mapping out the different processes we use to recruit and admit students so that we can improve and automate them in Salesforce and the Marketing Cloud.  Our Admissions, Digital Marketing, and SA Teams have been hard at work in support of the project. The next step involves customizing Salesforce for UMBC. 

We’re projecting a “go-live” date for the first phase in the Spring of 2021.  Go-live includes demonstrating the platform and training our staff to get the greatest return on our investment and better serve our prospective students and families.  

Salesforce is an exciting and important part of UMBC’s Strategic Plan and Strategic Enrollment Plan.  We’re delighted to let you know about it, and that it’s proceeding on schedule. 

Robert Carpenter       
Deputy CIO, Division of Information Technology

Associate Provost, Division of Academic Affairs

Posted: January 19, 2021, 5:09 PM