AI Initiatives

The DoIT AI site is here to help the community with information on using artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI (GenAI), to support UMBC’s Administrative, Instructional, and Research efforts. This site is designed to support employees looking to advance their use of GenAI. We recommend that our UMBC community start by visiting GenAI Tools, this page will highlight what free resources are available to use and what options exist to safely use GenAI while safeguarding UMBC institutional data.

For staff providing support, we encourage people to look at Administrative AI, as a starting point. Our goal is to save people time and hopefully improve the quality of their work, thus increasing productivity. We highlight some tools that DoIT is providing for support and we are seeking partners to work with DoIT on expanding myUMBC Answers. The real key to your office leveraging myUMBC Answers is to be able to provide validated and accurate content, such as FAQs or a handbook produced annually.

For faculty, we encourage you to also explore instructional AI and research AI. A wonderful resource in the College of Engineering Center for AI.  You can follow news about the UMBC Center for AI on social media through its sites on LinkedIn, BlueskyX, and Facebook.Members of the UMBC community can subscribe to the UMBC AI Group to receive email about AI-related news and events.  If you have news to share with the UMBC AI community or suggestions or comments on the site, please send them to


AI News

Showing items tagged clickers. Show All

Kudos to Holly Owens on Her New Advisory Board Appointment

Serving Turning Technologies Higher Education Advisory Board

DoIT would like to recognize its own Holly Owens for her appointment to the Turning Technologies Higher Education Advisory Board where she will be representing UMBC. The group is compiled of 15...

Posted: September 19, 2016, 9:01 AM

Clicker Registration Contest

Activate your Turning Account and be entered to win a prize!

Turning Technologies is running a contest for students who activate their Turning Accounts between August 1, 2016 and September 2, 2016. Students who activate their accounts during this time will...

Posted: August 10, 2016, 1:15 PM

Clicker License Codes to be Emailed to UMBC Students

License codes will be sent out to students starting May 23

As the campus begins the migration to TurningPoint Cloud this summer, students who purchased and registered their clickers on Blackboard prior to March 1, 2016  will receive Turning Account...

Posted: May 20, 2016, 12:28 PM

Vote for the Workshop Held in April!

What workshop would you like to attend in April?

Please select up to THREE topics you would like to see featured as our April workshop.  The choices are:  1. Assessing Your Learners in Blackboard  2. Blackboard Collaborate 3....

Posted: March 30, 2016, 10:49 AM

Clicker Orders Due to Bookstore by March 25!

Get your orders into the bookstore for fall 2016

Faculty who plan to use clickers for instruction during the ​​Fall 2016 semester will need to have device order(s) submitted to the Bookstore no later than Friday, March 25, 2016. This deadline...

Posted: March 23, 2016, 2:54 PM