AI Initiatives

The DoIT AI site is here to help the community with information on using artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI (GenAI), to support UMBC’s Administrative, Instructional, and Research efforts. This site is designed to support employees looking to advance their use of GenAI. We recommend that our UMBC community start by visiting GenAI Tools, this page will highlight what free resources are available to use and what options exist to safely use GenAI while safeguarding UMBC institutional data.

For staff providing support, we encourage people to look at Administrative AI, as a starting point. Our goal is to save people time and hopefully improve the quality of their work, thus increasing productivity. We highlight some tools that DoIT is providing for support and we are seeking partners to work with DoIT on expanding myUMBC Answers. The real key to your office leveraging myUMBC Answers is to be able to provide validated and accurate content, such as FAQs or a handbook produced annually.

For faculty, we encourage you to also explore instructional AI and research AI. A wonderful resource in the College of Engineering Center for AI.  You can follow news about the UMBC Center for AI on social media through its sites on LinkedIn, BlueskyX, and Facebook.Members of the UMBC community can subscribe to the UMBC AI Group to receive email about AI-related news and events.  If you have news to share with the UMBC AI community or suggestions or comments on the site, please send them to


AI News

Showing items tagged bsg. Show All

Employees with PS Access Required to Use 2 Factor Login

Staff by 12/31/18, Faculty by 9/30/19

UPDATE: To get past the start of Fall 2019, faculty with PS access will be required to upgrade to Duo by 9/30/19. As part of ongoing efforts to keep the campus safe online, the Division of...

Posted: April 25, 2018, 9:22 AM

Kirby Earns Presidential Distinguished Staff Award

Award Ceremony: Wed., April 4, Noon, UC Ballroom

Congratulations to DoIT Assistant Vice President Joe Kirby, who has been selected to receive the 2018 Presidential Distinguished Staff Award. Along with other recipients and their families, Joe...

Posted: February 27, 2018, 3:50 PM

Updated Adobe License Available

If you've been using applications provided to faculty and staff through our Adobe Creative Cloud license, you may be getting a pop up asking you to update an expired license or sign in to continue...

Posted: December 6, 2017, 9:56 AM

DoIT Student Employee Wins 2017 UMBC Hackathon

Three-student Team Focuses on Social Good

DoIT Student Employee Tristan Oetker, a senior Information Systems major working in DoIT’s Business Systems Group (BSG), was one of three students to win 1st Place at the 2017 UMBC Hackathon that...

Posted: October 25, 2017, 9:38 AM

9-28-2017 Downtime

DoIT systems group will be taking RT down for a few minutes at 10pm in order to perform a system patch. I apologize for the short notice as this was identified as important and time sensitive....

Posted: September 28, 2017, 9:12 PM