DoIT Recommends Changes In Clicker Channel Settings
Reduces likelihood of interference with wireless network
The Division of Information Technology has been working with Turning Technologies to determine the optimum channel for clicker use so as avoid conflict with our campus wireless network, which was greatly enhanced this summer.
As a result of this review, please be advised that DoIT changed the Turning Point clicker channels on lecture hall computers on Friday afternoon, September 19. The new channel will be posted on the PC monitor and there will also be a sign facing the students. The channel was changed to reduce the possibility of RF interference with the system.
DoIT set the receivers in the lecture halls to channel 25 except ITE102 (LH8) which was set to channel 50. The reason for setting LH8 to a different channel is because of the proximity to LH7.
Instructors using their own receiver and laptop should select a channel between 74-82.
Turning Technologies has reviewed our recommendation and concurred.
To change/verify the channel on a computer (also found in Turning Point documentation):
1. Select the Polling tab in the TP software
2. The Receiver icon is located on the upper gray bar. If the PC channel does not match the posted channel, click on the icon.
3. Select the recommended channel. Laptop TP users should use a channel between 74 and 82.
4. Close the window.
To change the channel on a clicker (also found in Turning Point documentation):
1. Press the CH or Channel button (older response cards have a 'Go' button).
2. Enter the two digit channel for your location.
3. Press CH, Channel, or 'Go' again.
4. When the ResponseCard receives the new channel, the the light will turn green.
The reason for this change is that clickers use 1MHz channels within the 2.4GHz frequency band. On campus, we primarily use channels 1, 6 and 11 for wireless, which is occupied by the clicker channels 1-23, 26-48, and 51-73. To ensure that there is minimal interference, Turning Technologies recommends that devices are programmed on channels 24, 25, 49, 50, and 60-82.
More information from DoIT:
More information from Turning Technologies:
For questions or concerns, please contact AV Services (X52461).
Posted: September 23, 2013, 10:23 AM