Known Issue: UMBC Users Cannot Log Into Private iTunes U
Campus users have been unable to gain access
DoIT is reporting a known issue for campus users trying to access the private, UMBC-authenticated version of iTunes U, including links to associated Blackboard course sites. As of September 20, 2013, faculty and students can no longer access the associated iTunes U space. Recorded media can still be uploaded to the area but only DoIT system administrators can access it. When you try to open the iTunes U link, the browser opens a new window and displays a blank page. This is the same symptom when using Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. The public, unauthenticated version of UMBC iTunes at is not affected.
DoIT has been working to resolve this issue with Apple and Vanderbilt University, developers of the 3rd party “building block” plugin that allowed faculty to automatically publish recorded screencasts from our Camtasia Relay lecture capture software and link these to a current Blackboard course. To date, we have not been able to resolve this issue.
As a work around for publishing Camtasia Relay screencasting recordings for a class, DoIT has configured UMBC's to receive all recordings from the Camtasia Relay server. For specific instructions please visit:
Instructors: If you would like to recover your course content saved in iTunes U, please enter a Request Tracker (RT) help ticket via the myUMBC help menu or directly at (please include the full name of the instructor and course). A DoIT admin will work to recover your files for you, and place them into a UMBC folder as described above.
Posted: November 8, 2013, 10:10 AM