
Showing items tagged covid19. Show All

Impersonation Scam “UMBC Student Job”

Yes, The Offer Really IS To Good To Be True.

Below is an example of a job scam reported to the Department of Information Technology (DoIT). Please note that the name of the from address has been removed for privacy reasons. From:...

Posted: February 1, 2021, 11:53 AM

"Welcome to MG Scanner" (The UMBC COVID-19 Testing App)

This Is REAL. UMBC Is Really Asking You To Use This App

In its ongoing effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 in the UMBC community, UMBC has partnered with Maryland Genomics ( to create and distribute a phone app that will...

Posted: January 24, 2021, 12:03 AM

Job Scam Impersonation Email “UMBC Student Job”

Fake Job Offer For "Student Administrative Assistant"

The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) has been notified that a scammer is sending out phishing emails claiming to offer a part-time job as an Administrative Assistant the UMBC’s Academic...

Posted: January 15, 2021, 11:20 AM

Corestaff Services Job Scam “UMBC COVID-19 UPDATE”

Job Scams Continue To Target UMBC Students

Below is an example of a job scam phishing email that was recently reported to the Division of Information Technology (DoIT). The scam email below has the subject “UMBC COVID-19 UPDATE” and is...

Posted: January 15, 2021, 11:11 AM

FBI and DHHS Warn Public About COVID-19 Scams

This December is a Perfect Season For Scammers

December is a month of holidays, travel, and family gatherings.  Most years, December creates extra stress but makes up for it with special occasions enjoyed with family and friends.  This year,...

Posted: December 16, 2020, 5:40 PM