
Showing items tagged outage. Show All

Large Internet Outage Across East Coast Around Noon Today

There are widespread reports of Internet outages across the east coast that started around 11:30am this morning. These are affecting access to various services including Gmail, Blackboard, WebEx,...

Posted: January 26, 2021, 1:21 PM

Google Widespread Outage early Monday Morning

Email, Calendar and Docs are unavailable until 8:00am

This morning Google had a widespread outage that affected all of their services, including Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs, Google Meet and Youtube. Service was quickly restored by approximately...

Posted: December 14, 2020, 8:23 AM

Restoration of Full Internet Connectivity for the Campus

I wanted to let everyone know that Friday morning, repairs were completed to the fiber optic cable that was damaged early last week.  ( Once the...

Posted: September 29, 2019, 11:58 PM

Reduction in off-campus network speeds due to cable cut

Monday 9/23 at around noon a contractor working just outside of UMBC cut through a set of fiber optic networking cables that provide network service to UMBC's main campus, and to our IMET facility...

Posted: September 24, 2019, 3:32 PM