
Showing items tagged technology. Show All

TechFest 2017: New Presenters, More Vendors, and Giveaways

This year’s event is on April 10 at the University Center

In 2016, DoIT hosted a brand new type of event known as TechFest, designed to bring UMBC students, faculty, and staff together to share different ways technology can both support and improve the...

Posted: March 8, 2017, 11:38 AM

DoIT Lends a Helping Hand With Community Service

Outreach at the Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center

Earlier this summer, members from the Instructional Technology team devoted their time with community outreach at the Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center (TRRC). The center provides...

Posted: July 19, 2016, 11:20 AM

Setting New Technology Standards in Existing Seminar Rooms

How AV services can upgrade your seminar room technology

In the Information Technology and Engineering Building (ITE), room 325B was just a simple conference room. Equipped with just a projector and a single VGA cable for input, the connectivity options...

Posted: July 11, 2016, 7:00 AM

DoIT to Host Techfest in Spring 2016 Semester

Share your favorite technology with the UMBC community

Techfest is an effort to bring together UMBC students, faculty, and staff to share their favorite technologies with the UMBC community through several workshops. Participants will be able to...

Posted: November 3, 2015, 7:54 AM

Meet TSC Senior Student Consultant Christian Oyson

A look into everyday life at the Technology Support Center

For over a year, Christian Oyson has worked Tier 1 support for the Technology Support Center (TSC) here at UMBC, providing assistance to students, faculty and staff. Oyson, a senior majoring in...

Posted: June 24, 2015, 9:43 AM