
Showing items tagged notice. Show All

FBI and DHHS Warn Public About COVID-19 Scams

This December is a Perfect Season For Scammers

December is a month of holidays, travel, and family gatherings.  Most years, December creates extra stress but makes up for it with special occasions enjoyed with family and friends.  This year,...

Posted: December 16, 2020, 5:40 PM

Tips on Identifying Phishing Scams

Think, Then Slow Down And Think Again

The article linked below lists a few tips on how to identify phishing scams in your daily life or while you are working. Here is a short list of some clues to help identify phishing emails....

Posted: December 16, 2020, 5:30 PM

Job Scams Continue To Target UMBC Community

Scammers Don’t Take Time Off For The Holidays

UMBC’s Division of Information Technology (DoIT) is seeing an increase in the number of job scams targeting the UMBC community.  It is not uncommon for scammers to take advantage of people during...

Posted: November 25, 2020, 7:12 PM

Job Scam “WorkStudy!” From a Compromised UMBC Account

Recently DoIT was notified of a job scam email campaign from a compromised UMBC email account. The email has the subject line “WorkStudy!” and is presenting a fake job offer to the user. Below is...

Posted: October 6, 2020, 4:20 PM

Scam Emails Trying to Impersonate a UMBC Member

Look Closlely At The Headers Before You Respond

Below is an example of a scam email that has recently been reported to DoIT. The email below the scammer tries to impersonate a member of the UMBC by setting the From email name to that of a UMBC...

Posted: October 6, 2020, 4:18 PM