
Showing items tagged elearning. Show All

GO Chat Recap: The Future of Online Learning at UMBC

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last week, GO Chat closed out our celebration of National Distance Learning Week by welcoming Yvette Mozie-Ross, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Planning, and Beth Jones, Associate Vice...

Posted: November 20, 2020, 11:18 AM

GO Chat Recap: Badging & Micro-credentialing

Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!

Last week, we welcomed Sherri Braxton, Senior Director of Instructional Technology, as our inaugural guest on GO Chat to talk about her work on campus and beyond the loop for badging and...

Posted: October 23, 2020, 10:50 AM

National Distance Learning Week 2020 Lunchtime Series

Surviving to Thriving: Rocking the New Normal of e-Learning

One in four students take some of their courses online, and two-thirds do so at a public institution in the same state where they live (Allen, Seaman, Pouline, & Straut, 2016; Allen &...

Posted: October 13, 2020, 5:48 PM

National Distance Learning Week 2019 Lunchtime Series

Learn about ADP, Ultra, Panopto, Ally, accessibility, OERs

One in four students take some of their courses online, and two-thirds do so at a public institution in the same state where they live (Allen, Seaman, Pouline, & Straut, 2016; Allen &...

Posted: October 16, 2019, 12:20 PM

National Distance Learning Week 2018 Lunchtime Series

Learn about ADP, Collaborate, Panopto, accessibility, Ultra

One in four students take some of their courses online, and two-thirds do so at a public institution in the same state where they live (Allen, Seaman, Pouline, & Straut, 2016; Allen &...

Posted: October 25, 2018, 2:56 PM