
Showing items tagged security. Show All

Meltdown and Spectre

DoIT is Monitoring and Addressing Meltdown and Spectre

As many of you have likely seen in the news, two new vulnerabilities have recently been announced.  The vulnerabilities have been named Spectre and Meltdown.  These vulnerabilities are related...

Posted: January 5, 2018, 11:43 PM

Email Survey / Mystery Shopper Scams

Once you wire the money to the thief, it's gone.

We have received multiple complaints about people receiving fraudulent job offer emails from con-artists.  In some of the job offers, the con-artist offers to pay $200 for completing testing and...

Posted: August 5, 2016, 11:20 PM

Why You Should Be Using Eduroam

Benefits include one time login, security, and availability

Eduroam is a global Wi-Fi network that provides encrypted traffic for any device you use and features a one time setup process that can be used on any campus that supports eduroam, not just UMBC....

Posted: May 5, 2016, 2:29 PM

Phishing: Don’t Be Our Weak Link

Attacks are Becoming More Targeted. What should people do?

Phishing attacks have been a problem for many years.  Typically, hackers have sent messages asking members of our community to click on a link or reply to an email message with a password.  Their...

Posted: March 23, 2016, 2:56 PM