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Part Time Job Phishing Alert: CORNERSTONE JOB OFFER

Fake Job Scams Target UMBC Students

During the past week, DOIT has received notifications of several phishing emails. Below is a sample of a Phishing message that over 600 UMBC students have received. For privacy purposes the To...

Posted: July 22, 2020, 2:52 PM

Fake Covid-19 Fund Scam

No. The FTC Is NOT Offering You Any Money

Fake Covid-19 Fund Scam The FTC posted an article warning of a phishing scam that they recently discovered. In this scam, the malicious actor is sending email claiming to be from the FTC and...

Posted: July 22, 2020, 2:49 PM

Phishing Email Subject Lines

A Guide To Common Phishing Email Subjects

With COVID-19 and associated restrictions remaining prevalent, many malicious actors have used the opportunity to update their phishing email campaigns. The article linked below explains some of...

Posted: July 22, 2020, 2:45 PM

Limited Part-Time Offers

Yet AnotherJob Scam

The email below is an example of a recent job scam phishing email that has been going around campus. This email, like many other job scam emails, tries to trick users into giving up their personal...

Posted: July 22, 2020, 2:38 PM

Tips to Help Protect Against Smishing Scams

Scammer Don't Just Use Email

Smishing scams are a type of phishing scam which occurs when a malicious actor sends text messages or direct messages. They follow a similar pattern of acting as if they were from a trusted source...

Posted: July 17, 2020, 12:40 PM