
Showing items tagged notice. Show All

Potential Account Data Breach: QuestionPro

Hackers attempt extortion with unverified database

In May 2022, the survey website QuestionPro was the target of an extortion attempt relating to an alleged data breach. Over 100GB of data containing 22 million unique email addresses (some of...

Posted: August 17, 2022, 1:19 PM

Phishing Alert: Fake Announcement from ‘Admin Server’

Don't Click The Button!

Recently, the Division of Information Technology(DoIT) received reports of a phishing email. The scammers sending these emails are using a forged From address of: 'Admin Server...

Posted: August 9, 2022, 3:21 PM

Likely Phishing Website Found

It Looks Designed To Attack UMBC

The UMBC Division of Information Technology (DoIT) has been notified of a website that appears to have been set up for future phishing attacks on UMBC account holders.  If you see a link or any...

Posted: July 29, 2022, 4:58 PM

Job Scam: JOB OFFER -- Department of Biological Sciences

Same Fake Job Offer - Different Fake Sender

Recently, the Division of Information Technology(DoIT) received multiple reports of a job phishing email. The scammers sending these emails are impersonating Professor Hoffman of the Department of...

Posted: July 20, 2022, 6:08 PM

Phishing Alert: Item shared with you

Beware Of Unexpected Attachments!

Recently, the Division of Information Technology(DoIT) has seen an increase in phishing attacks where items(docs, pdf, spreadsheets) are shared with the UMBC community. An example of such messages...

Posted: July 20, 2022, 11:30 AM