
Showing items tagged hawken. Show All

Faculty and student satisfaction with Ultra exceeds 85%

Consistent praise for Ultra's clean interface, ease of use

In a recent survey of faculty who used Ultra during the FA2022 semester, 86.5% of faculty who responded said they would use Ultra again, citing its ease of use and consistent experience for...

Posted: January 19, 2023, 11:44 AM

Three Faculty Earn Quality Matters Certification in FA2022

12 of 17 USM’s QM certified courses are from UMBC

Three additional UMBC faculty have earned Quality Matters (QM) certification of their online or hybrid courses in the Fall 2022 semester following rigorous peer reviews as part of the Quality...

Posted: December 21, 2022, 10:07 AM

Quality Matters Impact Program - Call to Participate

Faculty invited to apply for AY23-24 cohorts

The Quality Matters Impact program formally recognizes courses that meet Quality Matters (QM) standards and demonstrate exemplary online/hybrid course design. An extension of the award-winning...

Posted: December 20, 2022, 9:47 AM

Better Tests & Grading Lead New Bb Ultra Changes

Ultra to reach 95% feature parity with Original by SP2023

After extensive updates to assessments and grading, Ultra is expected to reach 95% feature parity by the end of spring 2023, allowing faculty to migrate their Original courses into the most...

Posted: August 23, 2022, 1:43 PM

Four More Faculty Earn Quality Matters Certification

Nine of 14 USM’s QM certified courses are from UMBC

After participating in rigorous peer reviews of their online and hybrid courses, four additional UMBC faculty have earned Quality Matters certification as part of the campus’ Quality Matters...

Posted: August 11, 2022, 8:31 AM