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Blackboard Down for Extended Maintenance from 10 pm...

Full Title: Blackboard Down for Extended Maintenance from 10 pm Fri. 3/18 to 10 am Sat. 3/19As a part of DoIT's regular scheduled maintenance, Blackboard will be down for an extended time on...

Posted: March 11, 2011, 1:01 PM

Educause Publishes Video Demo of UMBC "Check My...

Full Title: Educause Publishes Video Demo of UMBC "Check My Activity" Tool for Students The final 2010 issue of EDUCAUSE Quarterly includes a brief (5 minute) video demo of UMBC's "Check My...

Posted: February 4, 2011, 12:58 PM

Jack Suess Chairing InCommon Federation

For 2011, Jack Suess will become Chair of the InCommon Steering committee. InCommon is an organization of universities, now totaling 186, that are working with vendors, governments, and amongst...

Posted: January 2, 2011, 8:39 AM

FYI: EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 1/12 - 1/14

The 9th Annual EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel from January 12 -14, 2011. This year's conference is titled "Setting a New Course...

Posted: December 3, 2010, 3:55 PM