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Reduction in off-campus network speeds due to cable cut

Monday 9/23 at around noon a contractor working just outside of UMBC cut through a set of fiber optic networking cables that provide network service to UMBC's main campus, and to our IMET facility in downtown Baltimore.

Until service is restored, the campus is operating without our 100gbit/s high speed link to the Internet 2 research and education network, and one of our 10gbit/s links to the Internet. We still have a full 10gbit/s link to the Internet and can reach all of the Internet 2 connected sites through this remaining connection. 

At this point we are working to have the cable repaired, and hope to have news on that front as the week progresses. During this time the campus does have adequate bandwidth for all normal activities and should not see a noticeable difference in network performance, but we no longer have a redundant link outside until this cable is repaired. 

We have patched through a temporary connection to the IMET facility downtown and have restored service to that building as of late Tuesday afternoon. 

We will continue to update the campus as we have additional information. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about this issue, please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to discuss it in more detail. 

Thank You, 


Damian Doyle
Assistant Vice President

Posted: September 24, 2019, 3:32 PM