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IHE Journal Publishes Article on Check My Activity...

Full Title: IHE Journal Publishes Article on Check My Activity Tool for StudentsThe Internet and Higher Education has published an article about UMBC's Check My Activity (CMA) tool for students in...

Posted: February 24, 2011, 2:44 PM

Known Issue: Instructors Can't Import Bb Course Over 250MB

DoIT has confirmed a known issue that affects faculty trying to export an old Blackboard course and import it into a new, empty shell: The export works fine, but if the resulting file is larger...

Posted: January 24, 2011, 11:29 PM

UMBC Blackboard Update: WT2011

UMBC Blackboard update is provided by the Division of Information Technology for students, faculty and staff using Blackboard at UMBC. If you have questions or need help, please consult the...

Posted: December 3, 2010, 4:27 PM

Only 4 Seats Left in Hybrid Course Re-design Workshop...

Full Title: Only 4 Seats Left in Hybrid Course Re-design Workshop 1/14/11 Participants learn the principles of good course design and apply them to a traditional, face-to-face (F2F) course that...

Posted: December 3, 2010, 4:21 PM

FYI: EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 1/12 - 1/14

The 9th Annual EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel from January 12 -14, 2011. This year's conference is titled "Setting a New Course...

Posted: December 3, 2010, 3:55 PM

Voice Mail System Failure November 29, 2010

Earlier today, DoIT staff noticed errors on one of the two UMBC Voicemail systems supporting the campus phone service. The particular voicemail system is accessed by dialing x51121. We placed a...

Posted: November 29, 2010, 10:40 PM

Update:Voice Mail System Error

Update 11-19-10 1:00 p.m. Voice mail access was restored at approximately 1pm today. --------------------------------- This morning one of our phone nodes suffered a failure. At this time anyone...

Posted: November 19, 2010, 10:57 AM

DoIT Publishes 2010 Annual Report

Jack Suess, VP of IT and CIO Welcome to the Division of Information Technology’s (DoIT) first annual report. Reflecting on this time last year, our focus was on four major initiatives: • The...

Posted: September 25, 2010, 11:36 PM

SPSS License Update Fall 2010 Updated 9-30

Posted 10-01-2010 1:35PM IBM-SPSS has notified us that the new license generation program for the network license where our 900 lab computers point is not working, disabling SPSS in the labs at...

Posted: September 2, 2010, 12:53 PM