Course Designer Workshop
Redesign a face-to-face course for hybrid or online delivery
On Campus : ENGR 102
January 17, 2017 – Jan 19, 2017 (All Day Event)
The Hybrid / Online Course Designer Workshop provides a collegial environment to support faculty as they design and develop hybrid/online courses in a technology-enriched environment. The 3-day workshop (9 AM - 4 PM) includes:
- Deep dives & hands-on development time with instructional technology tools such as Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Collaborate, screencasting, clickers, and more
- Advanced sessions on assessment, learning objectives, and Quality Matters
- Best practices in technology and online pedagogy
- Hands-on course development
- Opportunities for personalized support
- Networking with faculty
- Lunch & refreshments
The workshop is limited to 15 instructors for personalized attention. Priority seating is given to ADP participants.
Faculty who attend all sessions and complete all activities will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Please RSVP by January 9, 2017. Contact Holly Owens at with any dietary restrictions.