Best Practices Using TurningPoint Cloud
Come discover the benefits of using clickers in your courses
Engineering : 023
Date & Time
April 28, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Turning Technologies provides a classroom response technology used to obtain direct feedback from students during class. Their Turning Point software solution helps instructors implement proven pedagogies like peer instruction, agile learning, and gamification. Turning Point works with student’s mobile devices, or dedicated hardware clickers. During this session, a representative from Turning Technologies will be on campus to introduce the Turning Point software, and to present some of the benefits of implementing it in your classroom, including a look at clicker accessibility.
Lunch will be provided at this session. To reserve your seat, please click on "I Can Attend" below. Please email Holly at and note any dietary restrictions.
For more information, check out: Turning Tech Best Practices
Lunch will be provided at this session. To reserve your seat, please click on "I Can Attend" below. Please email Holly at and note any dietary restrictions.
For more information, check out: Turning Tech Best Practices