EDUCAUSE Virtual Seminar: Microcredentials & Digital Badging
Explore successful models in badging & competency-based ed
Engineering : 102
Date & Time
July 12, 2017, 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
One in five colleges has issued digital badges, according to the results of a recent survey (pdf) conducted by University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) and Pearson of 190 institutions. Today, all kinds of organizations, from higher education institutions to professional associations to employers, are issuing digital microcredentials. The microcredentials could be in job-related soft skills, such as in communication, working with others and customer relations, or in critical reasoning, logic and problem-solving. They also recognize technical skill development, such as content or assessments on data science, geographic information systems, or coding.
This virtual seminar brings teaching and learning professionals together to discuss:
- What is the employer perspective on microcredentialing and digital badging?
- How do digital badges support competency-based learning and a multi-dimensional transcript?
- What are appropriate indicators of quality and validity in digital badging programs?
- What are the most effective employer engagement strategies?
- What are some key drivers for academically focused badging initiatives in higher education?
Join us for this virtual event* from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). Featuring live web-based presentations, participant discussions, and activities, we’ll explore various issues and developments in microcredentialing and digital badging in higher education.
Curious about microcredentials, but not sure about a half-day seminar? Consider attending Part 1 of EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's series on microcredentials and badging, a 1-hour introductory webinar, Alternative Credentialing in Higher Education, on July 10, from 1-2 PM.
* If you prefer to attend on your own, you can register with EDUCAUSE and earn a badge. Since UMBC is a member of EDUCAUSE and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, there is no charge to attend. However, you must create an EDUCAUSE profile to register. When creating a profile, be sure to carefully enter "University of Maryland, Baltimore County" as the organization to make sure you are affiliated with the right campus.