Go Online: GO Chat -- Badging & Micro-credentialing
Grab a cup of coffee and let's GO!
Go Online: GO Chat -- Badging & Micro-credentialing – Online Event
Date & Time
October 16, 2020, 9:30 am – 10:30 am
UMBC's Instructional Technology staff is interviewing some of our colleagues to talk about all things instructional technology and Going Online. Our guests will bring their insights and experiences to the table followed by a Q&A session from our audience.
This month, we are introducing our series! Our first topic will be on badging and micro-credentialing.
Our first guest is Dr. Sherri Braxton, Senior Director of Instructional Technology. In her current role, she is responsible for leading DoIT's strategy for end-user support of instructional technologies including online, hybrid, and traditional “face-to-face” technologies. She also leads UMBC's micro-credentialing initiatives. She served as a task force co-lead for the IMS Global Consortium Open Badge Extensions for Education (OBEE) initiative and continues to serve as a member of IMS Global Open Badges and Comprehensive Learner Record working groups as well as the Academic and Technology Officer and Digital Credentials Innovation Leadership Networks.
We hope you will join us to learn more about Sherri's involvement in badging and micro-credentialing on campus and beyond the loop. Following our interview, session participants are encouraged to join us for a Q&A session.
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The session will be recorded.