The National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) has identified six different models for course delivery. The six models represent different points on the continuum from a fully face-to-face course to a fully online course. The six models are described below:
The Supplemental Model – The supplemental model retains the basic structure of the traditional course and a) supplements lectures and textbooks with technology-based, out-of-class activities, or b) also changes what goes on in the class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting.
The Linked Workshop Model – The linked workshop model provides remedial/developmental instruction by linking workshops that offer students just-in-time supplemental academic support to core college-level courses.
The Replacement (or Hybrid) Model – The replacement model reduces the number of in-class meetings and a) replaces some in-class time with out-of-class, online, interactive learning activities, or b) also makes significant changes in remaining in-class meetings.
The Emporium Model – The emporium model replaces lectures with a learning resource center model featuring interactive computer software and on-demand personalized assistance.
The Fully Online Model – The fully online model eliminates all in-class meetings and moves all learning experiences online, using Web-based, multi-media resources, commercial software, automatically evaluated assessments with guided feedback and alternative staffing models.
The Buffet Model – The buffet model customizes the learning environment for each student based on background, learning preference, and academic/professional goals and offers students an assortment of individualized paths to reach the same learning outcomes.