Ultra Experience Timeline

The Ultra Experience (UX) is an innovative, learner-centric redesign of Blackboard and UMBC recognizes the change in course interface will take some time to get used to. Training and course redesign support will be available to faculty through the projected final rollover to Ultra in FA2019.

Key Activity
SU2017 Migrate infrastructure from managed hosting to Bb cloud
FA2017 Participate in 8-week Ultra Cohort program to prepare for Ultra pilot and full deployment
Between FA/WT Apply responsive theme to Blackboard system
Train Ultra pilot faculty
WT2018 Redesign Ultra pilot courses
SP2018 Coordinate Ultra pilot (enroll students, meet with faculty, etc.)
Between SP/SU Enable Ultra Experience base navigation
SU2018 Phase 1 – Opt-in UX, course redesigns | SP18 Ultra Pilot Results    ⚯ ⁂
FA2018 Phase 2 – Opt-in UX, course redesigns | FA18 Boot Camp Results   ⚯ ☊ ⁂ ☎︎
WT2019 Phase 3 – Opt-in UX, course redesigns    ⚯ ☊ ⁂ ☉ ☎︎
SP2019 Phase 4 – Opt-in UX, course redesigns    ⚯ ☊ ⁂ ☎︎
SU2019 Soft Launch: All SU2019 courses use Ultra Experience    ⚯ ☊ ⁂ ☉ ☎︎
FA2019 GO LIVE: All courses use Ultra Experience    ⚯ ☊ ⁂ ☎︎

Training opportunities will be posted to the Instructional Technology group on myUMBC:

⚯ – Self-Paced Workshops
☊ – Webinars
⁂ – Boot Camp
☉ – Alternate Delivery Program
☎︎ – Consult an Instructional Technology specialist