Access PIVOT Live Webinar Recordings, PIVOT Solo and More!
Now available to the campus community and beyond, PIVOT Solo contains lessons on five key topics including course organization, active learning, community building, assessment, and supporting students. PIVOT Solo is designed to be a flexible, self-directed experience, allowing faculty to determine what knowledge they want to refresh or enhance. It is important to note that completion of any or all of PIVOT Solo will not result in eligibility for the professional development stipend that accompanies participation in PIVOT Live and PIVOT+.
The recordings from the PIVOT Live 5 hour webinar series are also available; these are the recordings of the live sessions that can be viewed in their entirety to meet the requirements of the Hrabowski stipend for adjunct faculty.
Additionally, faculty can access recordings of previous training sessions on a number of instructional technologies topics and tools in our recording archives including Blackboard, Collaborate, Panopto, and VoiceThread.
Finally, faculty may want to take advantage of the Course Workload Estimator, which will assist in determining how long it may take a student to complete various course activities, and the many other resources we've provided on the site to help support their online course development and delivery.
Check out this new professional development resource today!
Posted: August 17, 2020, 9:30 PM