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Showing items tagged attendance. Show All
Introducing Qwickly Attendance Plus: Now piloting an upgraded version with exciting features for attendance tracking
Detailed reports, new check-in options in Blackboard
Instructional Technology is pleased to announce the pilot of Qwickly Attendance Plus in Blackboard Ultra courses. Featuring mobile check-in and advanced reporting, Qwickly Attendance provides...
Posted: November 5, 2024, 1:09 PM
Track Attendance in Poll Everywhere (Beta Release)
New Check-In Feature Does Not Store Student Location Data
Poll Everywhere recently launched a new Attendance Management tool, which is available to users with a presenter role in Poll Everywhere. Using geolocation, Attendance Management allows...
Posted: February 5, 2024, 12:53 PM
Gaining Insights on Student Success using Attendance Data
Findings from Two Terms of Qwickly Pilot
During the FA18 and SP19 semesters, DoIT partnered with Math/Stat to assess the relationship between student attendance and academic outcomes leveraging laptop and mobile technology. Using a tool...
Posted: September 3, 2019, 9:27 AM
Take Attendance Qwickly with New Tool in Blackboard
Track attendance in gradebook & send students absentee email
A popular request from faculty is a tool to track student attendance. Many instructors who teach large classes use clickers to assign points for student engagement as a proxy for attendance....
Posted: December 5, 2016, 4:02 PM