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Gaining Insights on Student Success using Attendance Data

Findings from Two Terms of Qwickly Pilot

During the FA18 and SP19 semesters, DoIT partnered with Math/Stat to assess the relationship between student attendance and academic outcomes leveraging laptop and mobile technology. Using a tool...

Posted: September 3, 2019, 9:27 AM

Free Webinars from the Blackboard Innovative Teaching Series

September focuses on student success & retention

Next month, the Blackboard Innovative Teaching Series offers two free webinars focusing on student success and retention: Increase Student Success Using Analytics and Student Data Wednesday,...

Posted: August 30, 2019, 3:30 PM

DoIT's Technology Support Center Hiring for the Fall

Are you looking for an on campus job? Come work for us!

The DoIT Technology Support Center is looking to hire additional consultants to work during the Fall semester and beyond. Please see our job description below and visit our job posting on...

Posted: August 28, 2019, 12:04 PM

Taki Downtime Complete

Taki Users: Today (Aug 27, 2019) at 5pm, we brought taki down to install some maintenance daemons. At this point (5:20p), taki is back online and no jobs should have been affected. As...

Posted: August 27, 2019, 5:23 PM

Sign Up for Free Training on Respondus Tools in September

LockDown Browser, Monitor and Respondus 4.0 Exam Creation

Respondus is offering free training webinars on the following tools: LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor,  and Respondus 4.See the dates, times and descriptions for each event below:...

Posted: August 27, 2019, 12:16 PM

MATH 627 Parallel Computing class in Fall 2019

Community building for users of the HPCF cluster taki

The class MATH 627 Introduction to Parallel Computing introduces the current HPCF cluster taki and teaches parallel computing using it. Starting with an efficient introduction to the Linux...

Posted: August 25, 2019, 9:41 AM

Status of Taki and update on reported issues

Earlier this week we upgraded slurm (our scheduling software) to try and fix several bugs that had been identified over the past few weeks through working with our support vendor. This upgrade...

Posted: August 22, 2019, 8:37 PM

Blackboard LTI Integrations not Working with Safari

Please use a browser other than Safari to access Blackboard!

As noted in this Known Issue FAQ, recent updates to the Safari web browser are preventing access to LTI content inside any Learning Management System (LMS) including Blackboard. The issue stems...

Posted: August 22, 2019, 2:02 PM

Some Jobs Failing to Run

Taki Users: We are seeing many jobs stuck in a pending or "PD" state in slurm. The reason being given by slurm is "launch failed requeued held". This is slurm's way of telling us that...

Posted: August 21, 2019, 12:37 PM

FA2019 Instructional Technology Update

UMBC Blackboard Update is provided by the Division of Information Technology for students, faculty and staff. If you have questions or need help, please consult the Blackboard Help FAQs or...

Posted: August 20, 2019, 2:00 PM