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Vote for the Workshop Held in April!

What workshop would you like to attend in April?

Please select up to THREE topics you would like to see featured as our April workshop.  The choices are:  1. Assessing Your Learners in Blackboard  2. Blackboard Collaborate 3....

Posted: March 30, 2016, 10:49 AM

Migration to TurningPoint Cloud Begins This Summer

Preparing the Campus for Upcoming Clicker Changes

Starting this summer, the campus will transition from TurningPoint 5 to TurningPoint Cloud as our new clicker software. During this time, all Division of Information Technology controlled labs and...

Posted: March 29, 2016, 1:17 PM

Using FAQs to Help Users Help Themselves

A Free, On-campus "Simulcast" of A SIGUCCS Webinar

FYI As promised during Andrea Mocko's 1/14/16 "Lessons Learned from the TSC," she and John Fritz will reprise a popular workshop and proceedings paper from the Special Interest Group -...

Posted: March 29, 2016, 9:21 AM

Opportunity to take Official Quality Matters Training

Applying the QM Rubric Workshop available online & in person

Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to improve online and blended course quality to benefit online learners. The Applying the Quality...

Posted: March 24, 2016, 8:46 AM

Phishing: Don’t Be Our Weak Link

Attacks are Becoming More Targeted. What should people do?

Phishing attacks have been a problem for many years.  Typically, hackers have sent messages asking members of our community to click on a link or reply to an email message with a password.  Their...

Posted: March 23, 2016, 2:56 PM

Clicker Orders Due to Bookstore by March 25!

Get your orders into the bookstore for fall 2016

Faculty who plan to use clickers for instruction during the ​​Fall 2016 semester will need to have device order(s) submitted to the Bookstore no later than Friday, March 25, 2016. This deadline...

Posted: March 23, 2016, 2:54 PM

Microsoft Office and Box Now Offer Real Time Collaboration

Faculty, staff, and students have new productivity features

Thumbnail Image is from Box Blogpost In June 2015, DoIT announced Microsoft Office was now available to the entire UMBC campus. Now, Microsoft Office and Box have deeper integrations with each...

Posted: March 22, 2016, 12:39 PM

Windows 10 & El Capitan Upgrades to Lab Computers This Fall

Deadline for lab software requests for Summer is April 1

In Fall 2016, all lab and lecture hall computers will be upgraded to Windows 10 Educational and OS X El Capitan with Microsoft Office 2016 installed for each system as well. Each semester, all lab...

Posted: March 21, 2016, 12:51 PM

Alternate Delivery Program Call for Participation Released

Hybrid/Online Course Redesign for Summer and Winter Courses

Faculty interested in effective hybrid or fully online course delivery are invited to submit a proposal for this innovative faculty support program. The Alternate Delivery Program...

Posted: March 21, 2016, 11:29 AM

Getting Your Inbox to Zero by Jack Suess

UMBC’s Chief Information Officer shows how to tame Gmail

On March 9, 2016 DoIT’s instructional team hosted a new event called Techfest, an event that would  bring the campus community together and present ways that technology can both support and...

Posted: March 21, 2016, 9:29 AM