Extension of HPCF Publications Page with PDFs
Please provide PDF files of HPCF publications!
Dear Researchers, Colleagues, and Students,
This message starts with the usual reminder to send me references to publications that used HPCF and its cluster taki, so that we can post them as products of the NSF funding and the administration's support. Students, if you are graduating, please send me the title of your thesis, since those are a particular example of the community support.
But my request goes farther this time: The Faculty Senate passed the Faculty Senate Open Access Resolution (https://lib.guides.umbc.edu/c.php?g=728911&p=5872742), and this supports providing free access to our work in an archive called MD-SOAR (https://mdsoar.org/) for open access to the public.
Michelle Flinchbaugh <flinchba@umbc.edu> from the AOK Library has copied over those publications from our HPCF publications page that had actual PDF files attached.
If you have preprints of your past work, whose reference we might already have on the HPCF publications page, please send them to me. This would improve our publications page and immensely help the Library to expand the work in MD-SOAR, which in turn raises visibility for your work and for UMBC.
I find this a very worthwhile effort, with support from the Faculty Senate, and we can all help and profit from this visibility. You can also copy Michelle, of course, for questions or to send the PDFs. My offer to collect them at HPCF first just tries to help out.
I would much appreciate your help with this initiative. If you have the PDF files already on your own publication page, please just let me know.
Matthias Gobbert, Mathematics and Statistics, gobbert@umbc.edu
(Chair of the HPCF Governance Committee and PI of the MRI grants to HPCF)
Posted: May 3, 2021, 5:52 PM