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Course Enrollment Trends

New REX report: Course Enrollment Trends  
Folder: Census Data

This new report allows users to see the enrollment trends for courses within an organization within a college.  The report returns the average enrollment in each course over the terms selected, with the enrollment counts in each term in a trend line or via expanding the course (the +).  It also shows the percent of those enrollments that are "service", that is, students that are in plans that are not managed by the organization offering the course. For example, if there are 100 students taking MATH xxx, and 40 of them are Math majors, then the % service would be 60%.  A corresponding report of interest may be Home > Student Records and Enrollment > Plan Enrollment > Who Are We Teaching.

This report can be accessed by going to rex.umbc.edu, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to the folders mentioned above.

Posted: December 3, 2021, 5:14 PM