YouTube change impacts ad blockers, increases ads on 8/1
Starting August 1, 2024, Google will implement changes that impact ad blocking tools in Chrome and how YouTube videos are viewed. Chrome no longer supports tools that block ads, including third-party extensions, and has developed technology to inject ads into the videos themselves to bypass ad-blocking tools.
1) For content hosted by YouTube, including content not owned by a UMBC account holder, please allow additional time for advertising when viewing videos.
2) For content created and owned by the instructor or UMBC account holder, Panopto may be a viable option where advertising is not desired. Copyrighted content may not be uploaded to UMBC’s Panopto service.
3) YouTube video links may be inserted into Panopto content. The video is not uploaded to Panopto but rather played through the Panopto platform, which has the benefit of suppressing advertising. In this scenario, an instructor might create an introduction using Panopto or a 1-second overlay screen, and then start the YouTube video.
For additional information about using Panopto at UMBC, please review our FAQ collection or open an RT ticket for support.
Gore, D. (2024, July 3). Upcoming Changes to YouTube Embed Player: Increased Ads from August 1st 2024. Anthology Community Blog. [login may be required]
Thumbnail: YouTube logo [decorative]
Posted: August 1, 2024, 10:00 AM