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Enhanced Ultra Docs, Advanced Release Rules Coming in August

Follow discussions, anonymous forms & converted tests

Whether you're preparing your first Ultra course or updating existing content, the latest features released in August are designed to streamline your teaching experience. 

The Ultra Document is the centerpiece of the Ultra course, providing a place for preparing and delivering engaging content including text, lists, tables, links, images and media, or third-party tools. The Content Designer is a significant enhancement to the Ultra Document, providing new and robust options that support mobile friendly and responsive columns. Instructors can still embed files, images, and HTML content. To resize a block or move it on the Ultra Document page, simply drag and drop the block. All content is moveable with a mouse, keyboard or tab.

Image 1: Example of redesigned Ultra Document with new column display

Image 1: Example of redesigned Ultra Document with new column display

Releasing content for different needs in a course is a critical part of an instructor’s toolkit -- whether that content is distributed by date, performance, or group using different criteria. The latest update to Ultra features advanced release conditions allow faculty to create multiple rules for release conditions using AND and OR criteria. For example, if a course consists of undergraduate and graduate students, each group may have different requirements to access certain content in the course. Rules and criteria will copy from Original adaptive release conditions with the exception for attempts and marked reviewed, which are not yet supported in Ultra.

Image 2: Example of Release Conditions page

Image 2: Example of Release Conditions page

The Ultra Assignment is also redesigned for August, removing the underlying engine that powered Tests. Now a separate instructions box is available for instructors to specify expectations for completing a graded activity. There are no options to add questions; if this is essential for an assessment, a Test must be used instead. The settings panel is updated to provide options that are only relevant to Assignments. Most importantly, when students access the Assignment, a blank attempt is no longer created, which helps reduce confusion and frustration for both learners and instructors alike. Students can access the Assignment as often as they need to before submitting their actual attempt. 

Image 3: Example of new Assignment page

Image 3: Example of new Assignment page

Instructors have long desired for the ability to subscribe to discussions in Ultra. In August, this is now possible with the new Follow Discussions setting, which allows any user in a course to re-engage with a discussion as updates occur. The first version of this feature will distribute notifications through the Activity Stream, which users can customize according to personal preference. In October, the follow notifications can be received via email.

Image 4: Example of Discussion with Follow notification enabled

Image 4: Example of Discussion with Follow notification enabled

Finally, when an Original course is converted, undeployed tests from the Tests, Surveys, and Question Pools area will now be converted to question banks. This will help to declutter both the course content page and the gradebook, making it easier for instructors to manage their course materials. NOTE: During the conversion process, any random blocks, question sets, and linked questions included in undeployed tests will be removed as Question Banks do not support those features. However, the resulting question banks will preserve original questions without duplication.

Additional updates for August include:

To learn more about these updates, and other features from the last six months, please join our What's New in Ultra for Teaching & Learning webinar on August 16.

Faculty should see the latest updates in their Ultra courses around August 8-9, 2024. The next update to our Ultra test environment will take place on August 13, 2024; release notes are posted to the What's New in Ultra that same week. Faculty who are interested in test driving new features before they are released to production should open an RT ticket to request early access. Please watch the FAQs, including the What's New with Ultra page, and myUMBC for additional information about Ultra.

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Thumbnail-image: New to Ultra [decorative]

Posted: August 5, 2024, 10:58 AM