DoIT Data Center Successfully Moved
As previously announced, on Monday, September 24th DoIT staff began moving over 68 servers, storage arrays and other associated equipment from the Public Policy data center to the new Erickson data center located in the Research Park. This project involved a significant amount of engineering and planning to ensure the appropriate power, racks, networks and cabling were in place where needed in advance of the hardware being mounted. Network staff spent months working with the construction company renovating the space and also with the professional movers to coordinate the move. Within DoIT the Networks, Windows and Unix groups spent weeks designing and ensuring the appropriate placement of hardware, cabling and networks in the racks.
Services Moved to Erickson Data Center
Peoplesoft Finance Development
Peoplesoft Campus Solutions Development
Blackboard Development & Production
I-Strategy (T-REX)
Cyrus Mail Servers
Authentication Services
VMware Virtual Server Environment
Windows File Shares
Windows Active Directory
150 Terabytes of Network Storage
Campus Tape Backups
New Network Core
Web Infrastructure
Many more that are too numerous to include.....
I am pleased to announce that all of this planning made the move transparent to the campus community and ensured a relatively low stress move for the DoIT staff. I would like to thank all of the staff involved in this project. Every group within DoIT played a role in this move and we would not have been successful without every staff member's commitment to success.
While there were many involved there are a few staff that I would like to specifically recognize for their major contributions to this successful move. These staff spent weeks of time preparing and engineering the project in addition to their other duties. I also want to recognize several of our student staff members who spent dozens of hours running and configuring over 200 network cables and over 60 fibre cables.
Damian Doyle Assistant Director Networks
Carlos McKinney Network Engineer
Aaron David Network Intern
Karen Dickens Network Intern
Tabitha Haverkamp Network Intern
Erick Knapp Network Intern
Kevin McCormick Network Intern
Enterprise Infrastructure:
Tim Champ Senior System Administrator
Vladimir Plotkin Coordinator of Windows Systems
James Sonnichsen Windows Administrator
Please join me in thanking all the staff involved.
Michael Carlin
Associate VP & Deputy CIO
Services Moved to Erickson Data Center
Peoplesoft Finance Development
Peoplesoft Campus Solutions Development
Blackboard Development & Production
I-Strategy (T-REX)
Cyrus Mail Servers
Authentication Services
VMware Virtual Server Environment
Windows File Shares
Windows Active Directory
150 Terabytes of Network Storage
Campus Tape Backups
New Network Core
Web Infrastructure
Many more that are too numerous to include.....
I am pleased to announce that all of this planning made the move transparent to the campus community and ensured a relatively low stress move for the DoIT staff. I would like to thank all of the staff involved in this project. Every group within DoIT played a role in this move and we would not have been successful without every staff member's commitment to success.
While there were many involved there are a few staff that I would like to specifically recognize for their major contributions to this successful move. These staff spent weeks of time preparing and engineering the project in addition to their other duties. I also want to recognize several of our student staff members who spent dozens of hours running and configuring over 200 network cables and over 60 fibre cables.
Stand Out Staff
Networks:Damian Doyle Assistant Director Networks
Carlos McKinney Network Engineer
Aaron David Network Intern
Karen Dickens Network Intern
Tabitha Haverkamp Network Intern
Erick Knapp Network Intern
Kevin McCormick Network Intern
Enterprise Infrastructure:
Tim Champ Senior System Administrator
Vladimir Plotkin Coordinator of Windows Systems
James Sonnichsen Windows Administrator
Please join me in thanking all the staff involved.
Michael Carlin
Associate VP & Deputy CIO
Posted: October 9, 2012, 12:04 PM