How the DIT Group Got Started
Bridging the communication between DoIT and DIT
Image shows Stan Kahn receiving DIT Emeritus Award For Outstanding Service to Departmental IT Staff and the UMBC Community from Jack Suess
During a conversation about 10 years ago, Stan Kahn from Enrollment Management and Stephen Jones from the Library decided there was a need to enhance communication among staff members who, like themselves, provide IT support at the departmental level. The result was the initial formation of a group of 23 staff. Stan and Stephen decided to call this group of staff the Departmental IT Group, or the DIT Group, for short. To facilitate communication among the members, Stan set up a listserv for the DIT Group members.
Though initially intended for departmental IT staff, it soon became clear that the DIT listserv could also facilitate communication between the members and DoIT, UMBC’s central computing unit. The listserv remains very active, with DIT members sharing information among themselves and also seeking information from DoIT, and with DoIT in turn disseminating information through the listserv to the DIT members. “I think it’s made a significant impact on the IT community for fostering communications.” said Stan. Currently, there are over 60 active members on the listserv, including about 20 staff from DoIT.
Stan and Stephen also wanted to encourage more social interaction and professional development among IT staff, and from the beginning instituted regular meetings for the members. These proved successful, and also came to include DoIT staff. DIT and DoIT staff now hold joint meetings each semester to discuss campus IT initiatives and issues, share best practices, and get to know one another.
Membership has also continued to expand. “We are fairly open to who can take part,” said Stephen. “[We represent] a lot of different staff who have a strong interest in IT even though IT Support is not the focus of their work.”
After 30 years, Stan will be retiring at the end of September. Kena Jackson, IT Specialist for Enrollment, will work with Stephen in coordinating the Group.
If you are a staff member with an interest in IT and would like further information, you can contact either Kena or Stephen to gain access to the listserv and take part in the DIT Group meetings.
Stephen Jones
Kena Jackson
Enrollment Management
Posted: September 28, 2015, 1:48 PM