myUMBC: Fall 2017 Updates
I hope everyone had a great summer. We've made a few changes for this fall, hopefully nothing that trips anyone up.
Cleaned Up Start Page
We made an attempt at making the start page a little less busy. Hopefully it is easier on the eyes. Not a major change but we hope you enjoy it.
We're in the process of reaching out to folks to discuss major changes to how the Start page works. If you have ideas and want to discuss, please let me know.
Featured and Weekend Events
Now on the Events page there are tabs to view upcoming Featured events as well as events happening during the upcoming weekend. Now if someone says "I wonder what's going on this weekend," you'll know.
Guide is the New Topics
Topics was never a great name for the menu, but we couldn't think of anything better at the time. Changing it to Guide aligns with how we will be revisiting the section in future updates to myUMBC.
Faculty and Staff Center Tweaks
We changed the layout of the Faculty and Staff Center to make them in line with the other topic pages. Hopefully the change isn't too dramatic.
Profile: Classes (Beta)
We added a Classes section to the Profile of students. Please take a look and let us know what you think.
I hope everyone has a great semester. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments!
B. Collier Jones
myUMBC Project Lead
Posted: August 20, 2017, 10:23 AM