TechFest & Ultra Early Adopter Raffle Winners Announced!
On Friday, March 1, 2019, DoIT's Instructional Technology Team held its 4th annual TechFest. As part of TechFest, participants were asked to complete evaluation surveys for each of the three presentation sessions and the escape room and a final survey evaluating the event as a whole. For each completed survey, participants were automatically entered into a raffle. We are pleased to announce the winners of the TechFest raffles:
Session A Winner: Deborah P. Webb, Assistant Director of Supplemental Instruction, Learning Resources Center - Amazon Echo Dot
Session B Winner: Stephanie Lazarus, Accessibility Manager & ADA Coordinator - Amazon Echo Dot
Session C Winner: Jessica McMurtrie, Program Management Specialist, Human Resources - Amazon Echo Dot
Escape Room Winner: Aieda Solomon, Senior - Amazon Echo Dot
Deep Dive Evaluation Winner: Cassie Hoddinott, LRC Director, Learning Resources Center - Amazon Echo Dot
Blackboard Ultra Early Adopter Raffle
Since the beginning of the Fall 2018 term, faculty have had the option to adopt the Blackboard Ultra Experience for their courses. All faculty who opted into the Ultra course interface in the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 terms were automatically entered into a raffle for an Amazon Fire HD Tablet. The winner of the Early Adopter raffle is Mariajose Castellanos, Lecturer and Undergraduate Program Director in Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering!
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Posted: March 8, 2019, 10:09 AM