DoIT Adjusts Support of Bb Ultra Rollout
All faculty still decide when to migrate before FA21
Based on new analysis of how Blackboard (Bb) Ultra has been adopted across campus, DoIT has decided to modify its approach to faculty support across colleges.
Specifically, DoIT will focus on supporting the College of Engineering and IT (CoEIT) in Spring 2020, and the College of Natural, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (CNMS) in Fall 2020. In addition, the rollout period for all colleges and focus areas will extend across two terms (not one, as previously announced). There are no changes in DoIT support focusing on the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) in Spring 2021. Also, DoIT still plans to discontinue support of Blackboard Classic prior to Fall 2021.
To be clear, this change is solely focused on how DoIT organizes its own support of faculty, who still make the final decision of when to switch to Bb Ultra. However, DoIT still recommends all faculty check their Ultra Course Preview and/or Sandbox well before doing so.Basically, we've learned some things we didn't know on April 4 when we first announced the phased rollout by college. Specifically, CAHSS has adopted Ultra far more than any other college (61% of all 270 Ultra courses to date), which was not expected since we slated it to go last because it typically has the greatest number of courses (about 850 per term). Also, CNMS, which typically has the fewest Bb courses (about 150 per term), actually has the highest amount of student usage based on average logins, interactions and duration per student across all courses. Reflecting on both facts, we thought it best to adapt how DoIT supports all faculty moving to Ultra.
To stay current on the latest Ultra developments, including what’s new or recently released functionality, visit November 26, 2019, 7:57 AM